Avoid These Red Flags When Purchasing an Existing Business 

Avoid These Red Flags When Purchasing an Existing Business 

There are many paths for business owners to choose from including starting a business from scratch, buying a franchise, and making a business acquisition. In any business acquisition, there are some red flags to avoid.  The Advantages of Making a...

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How to Expand Your Small Business and Take it To the Next Level 

How to Expand Your Small Business and Take it To the Next Level 

It is challenging to own and grow a small business. Long-term progress requires that a business start right with an attractive concept, a good business plan, and a solid financial foundation. It must be operated effectively, and it must be future-focused in...

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Check Out These Undeniable Reasons to Consider AR Financing

Check Out These Undeniable Reasons to Consider AR Financing

Experts affirm that it is a normal aspect of running a small business to offer credit terms to your clients. However, while invoices remain unpaid your cash flow suffers and you are often unable to handle necessary expenses. A...

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A Revolving Line of Credit Explained

A Revolving Line of Credit Explained

A line of credit is a type of loan that a business can borrow against, using the line of credit as collateral. The line of credit has a limit, and once the limit is reached, the business must pay...

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